
Protect Your Pet From the Dangers of Summer’s Heat

July 1, 2020

Protect Your Pet From the Dangers of Summer’s Heat

You have waited all winter long to bask in the warm Colorado sunshine during the summer months. You may plan to enjoy the warm weather with your pet, but you’ll need to take precautions to ...

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5 Common Misconceptions About Veterinary Cancer Treatment

April 27, 2020

5 Common Misconceptions About Veterinary Cancer Treatment

A cancer diagnosis is always scary, especially when your four-legged best friend is involved. Your first instinct is to gather information from every source, and friends and family will likely add their thoughts. Unfortunately, misconceptions ...

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Seizures in Pets

January 21, 2020

Seizures in Pets

Seizures are complex in that they can take various forms, have numerous possible causes, and may be a single occurrence or a lifelong condition. Our neurology department can tackle challenging seizure cases that may require ...

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A Primer on Pets and Foreign-Body Ingestion

December 18, 2019

A Primer on Pets and Foreign-Body Ingestion

Dogs, cats, and some small exotic pets are notorious for eating things they shouldn’t. Without hands, animals investigate things in their environment by smelling, and sometimes, tasting. Unfortunately, this curiosity can cause toxicity, severe illness, ...

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Tails from the Crypt: Halloween Pet Emergencies

October 29, 2019

Tails from the Crypt: Halloween Pet Emergencies

Halloween should be a night of festivities, but it can turn downright scary if a pet emergency occurs. Each year, pets run away, gorge on toxic treats, and get into all types of mischief. Our ...

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Planning for a Lifetime of Pet Care

September 30, 2019

Planning for a Lifetime of Pet Care

Adding a new pet to your household is an exciting time, but your first trip to the pet store to stock up on necessities, such as pet food, toys, and a leash, may leave you ...

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Keeping Your Pet Safe This Winter

January 21, 2019

Keeping Your Pet Safe This Winter

In most parts of the United States, winter is a very cold time of year. While most owners know the dangers of hot weather, not everyone knows that the cold can be just as dangerous. AESC wants ...

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What Can You Do To Prepare Your Pet For Surgery?

June 7, 2018

What Can You Do To Prepare Your Pet For Surgery?

Pet surgery can be scary for owners, but preparing a pet for his or her upcoming surgery can help keep pet owners calm. AESC wants pet owners to know how to prepare their pets for surgery to ...

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Heatstroke In Pets: Everything You Need To Know

March 30, 2018

Heatstroke In Pets: Everything You Need To Know

Hot weather has arrived, and it is important that you know how to keep your pet safe despite the rising temperatures outside. With the high number of animals that suffer from heatstroke each year, AESC wants to ...

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How To Keep Your Pet Safe From Wild Animals

January 21, 2018

How To Keep Your Pet Safe From Wild Animals

Wildlife and pets don’t always mix, and it is your job to keep pet safety in mind when your pet could encounter a wild animal. It can be difficult to foresee any issues with wildlife ...

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